Results for 'Hilda Mercedes Morán Quiroz'

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  1. Música: transgresión al derecho y al revés.Hilda Mercedes Morán Quiroz - 2013 - In Agustín Vaca & Louis Cardaillac, De transgresiones y transgresores: historia y cultura. Zapopan, Jalisco: El Colegio de Jalisco.
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    Estrategia curricular para la formación pedagógica en la carrera de Medicina.Cecilia Valdés de la Rosa, Hilda Elena Iglesias Carnot, Mayda Duran Matos, Aurea Gayol Irizar & Mercedes Hernández González - 2010 - Humanidades Médicas 10 (2):0-0.
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    Précis of Authority and Estrangement: An Essay on Self‐Knowledge.Richard Moran - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (2):423-426.
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    The discourse of gender and the Basque nationalist movement in the first third of the 20th century.Mercedes Ugalde Solano - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (4-6):695-700.
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    Community and Progress in Kant's Moral Philosophy.Kate A. Moran - 2012 - Catholic University of America Press.
    Denis, Lara. Moral Self-Regard: Duties to Oneself in Kant's Moral Theory. New York: Garland Publishing. 2001. Engstrom, Stephen. “The Concept ofthe Highest Good in Kant's Moral The- ory.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52, ...
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  6. (1 other version)Anscombe on 'Practical Knowledge'.Richard Moran - 2003 - In John Hyman & Helen Steward, Agency and Action. Cambridge University Press. pp. 43-68.
    Among the legacies of Elizabeth Anscombe's 1957 monograph Intention are the introduction of the notion of 'practical knowledge' into contemporary philosophical discussion of action, and her claim, pursued throughout the book, that an agent's knowledge of what he is doing is characteristically not based on observation.' Each idea by itself has its own obscurities, of course, but my focus here will be on the relation between the two ideas, how it is that the discussion of action may lead us to (...)
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  7. Can Kant have an account of moral education?Kate A. Moran - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (4):471-484.
    There is an apparent tension between Immanuel Kant's model of moral agency and his often-neglected philosophy of moral education. On the one hand, Kant's account of moral knowledge and decision-making seems to be one that can be self-taught. Kant's famous categorical imperative and related 'fact of reason' argument suggest that we learn the content and application of the moral law on our own. On the other hand, Kant has a sophisticated and detailed account of moral education that goes well beyond (...)
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    The AI doctor will see you now: assessing the framing of AI in news coverage.Mercedes Bunz & Marco Braghieri - 2022 - AI and Society 37 (1):9-22.
    One of the sectors for which Artificial Intelligence applications have been considered as exceptionally promising is the healthcare sector. As a public-facing sector, the introduction of AI applications has been subject to extended news coverage. This article conducts a quantitative and qualitative data analysis of English news media articles covering AI systems that allow the automation of tasks that so far needed to be done by a medical expert such as a doctor or a nurse thereby redistributing their agency. We (...)
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  9. Anscombe on expression of intention.Richard Moran & Martin J. Stone - 2009 - In Constantine Sandis, New essays on the explanation of action. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Of course in every act of this kind, there remains the possibility of putting this act into question – insofar as it refers to more distant, more essential ends.... For example the sentence which I write is the meaning of the letters I trace, but the whole work I wish to produce is the meaning of the sentence. And this work is a possibility in connection with which I can feel anguish; it is truly my possibility...tomorrow in relation to it (...)
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  10. Truth and Ideology in Classical China: Mohists vs Zhuangists.Mercedes Valmisa - 2023 - In Practices of Truth in Philosophy. Historical and Comparative Perspectives. Edited by Pietro Gori and Lorenzo Serini. Routledge. pp. 61-83.
    Mercedes Valmisa turns our attention to the relations between truth and practice in classical Chinese philosophy. In this tradition, truth is conceived of, in a pragmatic-like spirit, as a series of embodied beliefs and perspectives that lead to fitting dispositions, emotions, and actions (regardless of whether they accurately describe the world, or whether there are other competing beliefs and perspectives that equally accurately or inaccurately describe the world). This means that we should care about truth because of its normative (...)
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    Self‐Knowledge: Discovery, Resolution, and Undoing.Richard Moran - 2002 - European Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):141-161.
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  12. Brentano's Thesis.Dermot Moran - 1996 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 70 (1):1-27.
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    Civilized Shamans: Buddhism in Tibetan Societies.Peter K. Moran & Geoffrey Samuel - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (3):506.
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  14. Una educación de calidad para todos y entre todos: La propuesta del Ministerio de Educación.Mercedes Muñoz-Repiso Izaguirre - 2004 - Critica 54 (920):8-10.
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    Biblia, mujeres, feminismo (II Parte: el Nuevo Testamento y el cristianismo primitivo).Mercedes Navarro Puerto - 2010 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 15:205-258.
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    Lecciones de teoría del derecho: una visión desde la jurisprudencia constitucional.Mercedes Ales Uría (ed.) - 2019 - Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Ábaco.
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  17. Actes del Simposi Internacional de Filosofia de l’Edat Mitjana. Patronat d’Estudis Osonencs, Serie “Actes”.Mercedes Rubio (ed.) - 1996 - 08500 Vic, Barcelona, Spain:
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  18. Interactions Between Jewish and Christian Philosophers Until the End of the Middle Ages.Mercedes Rubio - forthcoming - In Yitzhak Y. Melamed & Paul Franks, The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  19. La espontaneidad no es un valor en el Zhuangzi.Mercedes Valmisa - 2016 - In Paulina Rivero Weber, Daoísmo: Interpretaciones Contemporáneas. pp. 197-223.
    Spontaneity is an almost inevitable commonplace in discussions of Daoism, especially the Zhuangzi. The idea that spontaneity is one of the most important values in the Zhuangzi was presented by Angus Graham for the Anglo-European audience, and divulged among Chinese readers by Liú Xiàogǎn 劉笑敢 and Chén Gǔyīng 陳鼓應. Hungarian psychologist Csikszentmihalyi popularly combined Daoist spontaneity with the idea of flow. In the state of flow the person carries out an activity for the sake of the activity itself--autotelically--and acts with (...)
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  20. Aplicaciones legales derivadas de la incorporación del software libre en la función pública de los registros y notarías/Legal Applications Derived from the Incorporation of Free Software in the Public Functions of Registries and Notaries.Mercedes Villalobos - 2011 - Telos (Venezuela) 13 (2):194-215.
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  21. Cavell on Outsiders and Others.Richard Moran - 2011 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 256 (2):239-254.
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    Ethical ripples of creativity and innovation.Seana Moran - 2016 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Creativity plus ethics anticipated a greater common good -- Gadget controllers -- Body shapers -- Emotion tuners -- Self definers -- Social connectors.
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    Decision-making capacity for research participation among addicted people: a cross-sectional study.Inés Morán-Sánchez, Aurelio Luna, Maria Sánchez-Muñoz, Beatriz Aguilera-Alcaraz & Maria D. Pérez-Cárceles - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundInformed consent is a key element of ethical clinical research. Addicted population may be at risk for impaired consent capacity. However, very little research has focused on their comprehension of consent forms. The aim of this study is to assess the capacity of addicted individuals to provide consent to research.Methods53 subjects with DSM-5 diagnoses of a Substance Use Disorder and 50 non psychiatric comparison subjects participated in the survey from December 2014 to March 2015. This cross-sectional study was carried out (...)
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    Analytic philosophy and continental philosophy : four confrontations.Dermot Moran - 2013 - In Leonard Lawlor, Phenomenology: Responses and Developments. Durham: Routledge.
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    Correction to: The AI doctor will see you now: assessing the framing of AI in news coverage.Mercedes Bunz & Marco Braghieri - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-1.
    A correction to this paper has been published:
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    Socially responsible mutual fund exit decisions.Mercedes Alda, Fernando Muñoz & María Vargas - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 29 (1):82-97.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  27. Nacionalidad y ciudadanía: una relación a debate.Mercedes Moya Escudero & Ana María Rubio Castro - 2003 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 37:105-154.
    Este trabajo analiza la respuesta que el Estado español, como Estado-nación, está dando a la integración del inmigrante como ciudadano. Frente a quienes consideran que la residencia ha de ser la vía de acceso a la ciudadanía ante la crisis del Estado nación y la movilidad geográfica que impone la globalización económica a las personas, aquí se defiende, por el contrario, la relevancia política de la nacionalidad, como parte alícuota individual de pertenencia al poder constituyente, en relación armónica con un (...)
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    Estudios jurídicos sobre el papel de la mujer en la Baja Edad Media.Mercedes Galán - 1993 - Anuario Filosófico 26 (3):541-557.
    The most documented juridical studies about hispanic woman in the late Middle Ages, belong to three specialities: political law, civil or common law (matrimonial), and criminal law. It is in the sphere of matrimonial law where the influence of christian principles has been described as prominent, contributing to the juridical conjugal parity, thus recognizing woman a full civil capability.
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    Sentido común y clase social: una fundamentación fenomenológica.Mercedes Krause - 2013 - Astrolabio 15.
    Aunque durante años hemos asistido a un persistente interés sociológico por la dimensión subjetiva de las prácticas de clase, hasta la fecha pocos son los estudios que han abordado esta problemática desde la perspectiva fenomenológica. Tomando como punto de partida autores que nos antecedieron en esta tarea, el objetivo del presente trabajo es reflexionar sobre los fundamentos de la teoría fenomenológica de Schutz sobre la acción social y su conceptualización de las tipificaciones para el análisis del sentido común y las (...)
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    The Ethics of Creativity.Seana Moran, David Cropley & James Kaufman (eds.) - 2014 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    What effect does creativity have on individuals, groups and societies, and on the fundamental values on which they base their actions and institutions? What constitutes good and evil, right and wrong, and how does creativity disrupt these beliefs? The Ethics of Creativity brings together an impressive collaboration of thinkers from several countries and disciplines to illuminate the thorny issues that arise when novel ideas and products brought forth by creativity collide with the rules and norms of what we believe to (...)
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  31. Adapting: A Chinese Philosophy of Action.Mercedes Valmisa - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophy of action in the context of Classical China is radically different from its counterpart in the contemporary Western philosophical narrative. Classical Chinese philosophers began from the assumption that relations are primary to the constitution of the person, hence acting in the early Chinese context necessarily is interacting and co-acting along with others –human and nonhuman actors. This book is the first monograph dedicated to the exploration and rigorous reconstruction of an extraordinary strategy for efficacious relational action devised by Classical (...)
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  32. Teaching Dance and Philosophy to Non Majors: The Integration of Movement Practices and Thought Experiments to Articulate Big Ideas.Megan Brunsvold Mercedes & Kristopher G. Phillips - 2020 - In Rebecca L. Farinas & Julie Van Camp, The Bloomsbury Handbook of Dance and Philosophy. New York, NY: Methuen Drama. pp. 20-35.
    Philosophers sometimes wonder whether academic work can ever be truly interdisciplinary. Whether true interdisciplinarity is possible is an open question, but given current trends in higher education, it seems that at least gesturing toward such work is increasingly important. This volume serves as a testament to the fact that such work can be done. Of course, while it is the case that high-level theoretical work can flourish at the intersection of dance and philosophy, it remains to be seen how we (...)
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  33. Social co-regulation and communication in North Indian duo performances.Nikki Moran - 2013 - In Martin Clayton, Byron Dueck & Laura Leante, Experience and meaning in music performance. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Leaving the Cold Behind: The Role of Emotions and Cognitive Biases in Business Adaptation to Climate Change.Mercedes Bleda & Jonatan Pinkse - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (1):9-44.
    This article develops the argument that the interplay between emotions and cognitive biases influences corporate decision-making on climate change adaptation. Our theoretical analysis examines how emotions can change the effect of cognitive biases on adaptation decisions by influencing how firms select, access, and process complex and uncertain climatic information. We draw on research on climate adaptation, social psychology, and managerial cognition and focus on three forms of bias: availability heuristic, framing, and anchoring. We explain how each bias shapes the decision-making (...)
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    Introduccíon a la Fenomenologicá.Dermot Moran - 2011 - Anthropos.
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    Die Alchemie in der europaischen Kultur- und Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Christoph Meinel.Bruce Moran - 1987 - Isis 78 (3):482-483.
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    Impressions on a Philosophical Journey.Mercedes Krause - 2024 - Schutzian Research 16:191-195.
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  38. Beyond our Control? Two Responses to Uncertainty and Fate in Early China.Mercedes Valmisa - 2015 - In Livia Kohn, New Visions of the Zhuangzi. Three Pines Press. pp. 1-22.
    The first contribution, by Mercedes Valmisa, begins by repositioning the Zhuangzi 莊子 as a whole within pre-Qin thought under the impact of newly excavated materials. Moving away from the traditional classification of texts according to schools, it focuses instead on varying approaches to life issues. Centering the discussion on life situations and changes we have no control over, including the unpredictable vagaries of fate (ming 命), it outlines several typical responses. One is adaptation, finding ways to go along with (...)
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    The happy slave isn't free: Relational autonomy and freedom in the Zhuangzi.Mercedes Valmisa - 2019 - Philosophy Compass 14 (3):e12569.
    This paper challenges the view that contentment leads to personal freedom and autonomy and argues for a relational and exercise concept of de facto freedom in the Zhuangzi 莊子. I first review influential interpretations of freedom in the Zhuangzi that equate freedom with contentment and nonfrustration, starting with Guo Xiang's 郭象 (d. 312 CE). By putting these interpretations in dialog with contemporary social philosophy (Christman, Meyers, Pettit, Elster, and Khader), I reflect on the two seminal problems of the psychologizing causal (...)
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    An Inhumanly Wise Shame.Brendan Moran - 2009 - The European Legacy 14 (5):573-585.
    In Kafka's work, Benjamin detects a gesture of shame, which he characterizes as historico-philosophic (geschichtsphilosophisch). He considers Kafka's gesture of shame to be philosophic in its opposition to myth, which is closure concerning history. In its elaboration of Kafka's gesture, moreover, Benjamin's analysis itself becomes a gesture of shame and thus somehow “literary.” This does not detract from the notion that the gesture—in Kafka's work and in Benjamin's criticism—remains philosophic. Kafka's literary work is philosophic in shaming mythic interpretations of it; (...)
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  41. Wang Bi and the Hermeneutics of Actualization.Mercedes Valmisa - 2023 - In The Craft of Oblivion. Forgetting and Memory in Ancient China. pp. 245-270.
    This chapter presents an analysis of Wang Bi’s (226-249 CE) hermeneutics and reception theory via the concept of “forgetting” (wang 忘) in his essay “Clarifying the Images” (Ming xiang 明象).
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    Between Vision and Touch.Dermot Moran - 2015 - In Richard Kearney & Brian Treanor, Carnal Hermeneutics. New York: Fordham. pp. 214-234.
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    Bribery and corruption: The OECD convention on combating the bribery of foreign public officials in international business transactions.Jon Moran - 1999 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 8 (3):141–150.
    This article discusses the effects of the OECD Convention on Combating the Bribery of Foreign Public Officials, which was signed in 1997 and is due to be implemented by the signatory nation‐states this year. The Convention represents the expansion of legal measures to combat the bribery of foreign public officials by individuals or corporations, and it has been accompanied by the Organisation of American States’ Convention Against Corruption. Previously the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act , which applied only to United States (...)
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    Kant's conception of pedagogy.Shane Moran - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (1):29-37.
    Confronted with the thoroughgoing marketisation of education, scholars have revisited the nature of pedagogy. The work of Immanuel Kant is a resource for critiquing the channelling of the transformation of self and society into rapacious consumerism. Kant's exploration of the connection between inner freedom and political freedom has been recast as pedagogy of the oppressed. Countering the dismissal of the Enlightenment as an accomplice of colonialism and imperialism, Kantian pedagogy is enlisted in the struggle against the forces undermining the very (...)
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    Filosofía de la ciencia en Ortega y Gasset. Ciencias naturales y humanas. Hacia una demarcación.Mercedes Miquel - 1992 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 17:127-154.
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    Effects of guided exploration on reaching measures of auditory peripersonal space.Mercedes X. Hüg, Fernando Bermejo, Fabián C. Tommasini & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Despite the recognized importance of bodily movements in spatial audition, few studies have integrated action-based protocols with spatial hearing in the peripersonal space. Recent work shows that tactile feedback and active exploration allow participants to improve performance in auditory distance perception tasks. However, the role of the different aspects involved in the learning phase, such as voluntary control of movement, proprioceptive cues, and the possibility of self-correcting errors, is still unclear. We study the effect of guided reaching exploration on perceptual (...)
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    Historia y pervivencia en Walter Benjamin y en Hannah Arendt.Mercedes Miralpeix - 2023 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (3):97-126.
    Durante el siglo XIX el progreso se convirtió en un concepto genuinamente histórico, y emergió así la conciencia de que la historia consistía en un proceso que dependía exclusivamente del obrar del género humano y cuyo fin implicaba su perfeccionamiento ilimitado. En esta constelación las reflexiones de Walter Benjamin y de Hannah Arendt alertaron acerca de los peligros políticos a los que conducía tanto la adhesión a la idea de progreso, como esa forma específica de entender la historia. Este trabajo (...)
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    Chapter 2. Should We Believe in Moral Progress?Kate Moran - 2021 - In Samuel Stoner & Paul Wilford, Kant and the Possibility of Progress: From Modern Hopes to Postmodern Anxieties. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 30-46.
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    Andrew Benjamin, The Plural Event Descartes, Hegel, Heidegger, London: Routledge, 1993, pp 211, Pb.Dermot Moran - 1996 - Hegel Bulletin 17 (2):53-59.
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    Alfredo Ferrarin, Hegel and Aristotle , pp. 442. ISBN 0-521-78314-3.Dermot Moran - 2005 - Hegel Bulletin 26 (1-2):120-126.
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